Exterior and Landscape

Vinyl Lattice – Install and forget

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vinyl lattice installation

Vinyl Lattice is an excellent way to improve your deck, porch or garden aesthetics in a maintenance-free way. The installation differs from wood lattice in a few important ways.


Stripping paint

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paint stripper

I set out to strip the 30 year old paint on my front porch today thinking that, with the help of a chemical stripper, it would be as easy as erasing a chalkboard. Well, it’s not! The Paint Stripper Spray Stripper I started out with a spray stripper. This product came in a 1/2 gallon […]

Platform / Storage Bed

Bed Frame Electrical – Adding Outlets

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bed frame electrical outlets

Adding outlets to the bed frame gives “power naps” a whole new meaning. This requires a leap of faith in your own skill as a DIYer, to put down the saw and pick up a voltmeter. It’s not as difficult as you’d imagine, but requires an in-depth knowledge of electrical codes.

Platform / Storage Bed

Installing the Bed Frame Drawer Components

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attaching drawer glides

Putting drawer slides on a drawer is a two step process. I’ll break it down and explain in detail how to attach one half of the drawer slide to the drawer itself, then attach the other half to the frame.

Platform / Storage Bed

Finish coating the platform storage bed

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Finish Coating Platform Bed

Polyurethane is an inexpensive way to protect your wood project. We’ll explain the why’s and how’s so you get it right the first time.


Dishwasher water supply line installation

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dishwasher water line installation

If this is your first shot at a plumbing job, you may be wondering how we’re going to connect vinyl tubing to our existing copper water lines. And, whether or not it’s going to involve sweating a fitting on the copper with torch and solder. We’re going to do this without solder, for about $20, including the vinyl tubing.

Platform / Storage Bed

Wood staining your finished project

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wood staining

15 Tips to bring your staining skills to the next level. This post is geared toward complete novice’s who have never picked up a can of stain.

Workshop / Tools

Extension cords from above

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Until today, my basement workshop was an obstacle course. Woodworking requires a good amount of power tools, many of them handheld and powered by extension cord. So naturally, I had a few extensions cords running across the floor. As if that wasn’t enough hazard, I noticed that one of them had been sliced through halfway, […]

Platform / Storage Bed

Sanding the Bed Frame Components

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sanding bed frame

A few sanding tips that the average DIY homeowner can take advantage of to greatly reduce sanding time.