You would think all that’s needed for pounding a nails into wood is, well, a hammer and nails. But a nail set can lend a bit of finesse when working in delicate areas. Nail sets come in handy in two instances. The first is when you need to set the nail below the surface of the wood to putty over it, as with baseboards or molding. The tapered end allows the hammer to exert force in the concentrated area of the nail head, lowering the nail below the wood’s surface.
Choosing the cladding material for the exterior of your home involves the careful evaluation of several factors. Of c…
Need to spruce up your walls a bit? Try a few of these sweet upcycled art ideas!
Can you guess which front door belongs in this home’s…
Not everything VSCO has to be expensive. If you have a few minutes, here are two very quick DIY projects…
Homeowners in the US are a restless lot. Data out there shows that the average household moves every five to…
“Saving the planet” has turned from a cool slogan into a necessity. The amount of waste we produce each year…
Building a man cave is just as exciting as all the time you’ll spend in it having fun with your…
Chairs have a tendency of getting wear and tear on their covers from being used heavily. Or sometimes, you just…
When kids are in the house, it can be a challenge to keep the house clean all the time. Maybe…
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