Quick Tips

How to Reuse All Those Plastic Bottles
“Saving the planet” has turned from a cool slogan into a necessity. The amount of waste we produce each year is only going to increase so it is important to come up with novel ways to recycle. Apart from recycling waste, we can save the planet it by reducing consumption and reusing items such as […]

How to Remove Rotten Meat Odor From Your Fridge or Freezer
Don’t get rid of that smelly fridge just yet! You may think you have tried everything to get rid of the odor, but here’s one more idea…
6 of our Favorite DIY Lifehacks from Reddit
We’re a big fan of the life hacks that Reddit users post on a daily basis. We’ve collected a few of our favorites for you.

Easy Boat Oil Change Using an Oil Extractor Pump
It’s difficult or near impossible to drain the oil on many engines. You can use a pump to extract the oil out of the engine in a way that’s cleaner than traditional oil changes.

How to Measure Your Own Radon Levels
Whether you’re considering Radon mitigation or not, it’s still a good idea to at least have the facts about your home’s radon levels, especially if you’re in a high-radon area.

Does the cat scratching at the litter box wake you up at night?
If the sound of your cat’s claws against the plastic litter box wakes you up at night, check out this $15 solution!

Lawnmower Carburetor Leaking Gas? The Quick Fix.
If your lawnmower is losing gas overnight, but there are no visible signs of it, it’s likely your carburetor has a slow leak. Here’s the 5-minute fix.
5 Free Shipping Home Improvement Products that might surprise you
You might be surprised to find these home improvement products offer free 2-day shipping at prices less than retail.

Replacing your projector bulb / lamp the cheap way
Don’t let the manufacturer trick you into spending $300+ for a new projector lamp.

Pack in your own firewood for camping
Unless you have a pickup truck, bringing along firewood for your camping trip is messy and inconvenient. Here’s a little tip we just picked up.