How To

FSBO: How to Sell Your House as a For Sale by Owner
Homeowners in the US are a restless lot. Data out there shows that the average household moves every five to seven years. While the motivation to move may vary from one family to the other, all home sellers want to get the highest return on the sale of their homes. A homeowner might, therefore, decide […]

Building a Man Cave Inside Your Home
Building a man cave is just as exciting as all the time you’ll spend in it having fun with your mates. Whether you choose to build a man cave in the basement or in the garage, there a few tips to help the renovation go smoothly. There are certain entertainment units and home improvement projects […]

How to prevent freezer frost by repairing a bad gasket / seal
If you are getting frost build-up in your freezer, there’s a good chance you have a bad rubber door seal. You can fix this yourself easily for about $6 and 5 minutes of your time.